Kere's Adventure Challenge

My Journey

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So the second Post of my Inspirations is quite simple, its all about KIDS. The reason I chose to compete in the Adventure Challenge was because of the fundraising component for Canuck Place. I have spent most of my life and all of my career focussed on providing great experiences for kids. In my 25 year career as a teacher, administrator and now teaching professor, I have met some amazing kids. Through social networking, I have recently connected with many of my former students from the mid 80's. It is inspiring to see them grown up with careers and families and living great lives. You only hope you played some kind of role in shaping who they have become. But the ones who stick in my mind are the ones who have passed away. I can count 5 students that I personally taught who have passed away from cancer or other terminal diseases. That number rises as you tally accidents.
Life sometimes isn't fair and no child should have to endure terminal illness or painful rehabilitations. This is why Canuck Place and B.C. Children's Hospital are so important. I was recently invited to BC Children's Hospital to tour the facility but I'm not sure I can do it, I'm not sure I can put on a brave enough face.

My daughter seems to have taken on the passion for children as well. This is a picture of a young African who was a victim of violence during the last election in Kenya. Nikole spent countless hours teaching, playing and counselling. I'm so very proud of her. Whenever I don't feel like going for a run or training very hard, all I need to do is think of Canuck Place or BC Children's Hospital. GIVE GENEROUSLY and pray that if your children ever have to be in one of these places, it is to help.

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