Kere's Adventure Challenge

My Journey

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How Blessed Are We

I get up every morning and this is what I see. No, not the sleepy, sassy, lazy dog but the beautiful view from my window down the Columbia River. The River is my happy place. It makes me think about sick kids and where their happy place is, maybe Canuck Place.

I went to spinning class the other day, absolutely loved it. I have been doing some of my own interval training on a bike but this workout showed me how much harder I need to work. Thanks Lorene for taking me there. Hopefully spinning tonight and a workout in the gym. Today, 184, but it's the morning.

Thanks for my second donation from my daughter Nikole in Kenya, you are never too poor to contribute to a good cause. I am so excited about training and look forward to dropping the kayak in the water soon.

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